The Lost Bay Third Party License

We are excited about you designing and publishing your own module compatible with The Lost Bay RPG. To publish under The Lost Bay Third Party License you will be asked to provide a definitive PDF of your module. To facilitate the review process we’ll ask you first to submit a draft, manuscript, extended synopsis or any other work material to obtain pre approval. Once pre approval is obtained you will be sent The Lost Bay compatible logo and legal text you need to mention on your module. You’ll also get access to the third party publisher dedicated channels in The Lost Bay discord server.

Submit your draft using this form

Publishing under TLB Third Party License is a pretty simple process, you’ll just need to follow those terms

  • You can’t reproduce or translate art or text from The Lost Bay books.
  • You are free to name in your product: all the Districts, the Faceless god, the Living Saints, the Vibes, the Lost Bay. However those can’t appear in your product title or subtitle.
  • The mechanics of The Lost Bay can be referenced and mentioned freely.
  • Your product can’t use The Lost Bay, or The Lost Bay Studio logos.
  • You can’t give the impression your product is published by The Lost Bay Studio or endorsed by it.
  • You can’t use AI generated content, art, text or otherwise.
  • Your project can’t include NFTs.
  • Your product must have appropriate content warnings.
  • You can’t use hate speech.

To recap:

  1. Submit a draft of your project using this form
  2. Get pre-approval, compatibility logo and text
  3. Design your zine
  4. Submit your finished product
  5. Finalize third party publisher license
  6. Distribute your beautiful zine!


You will keep the total ownership of your product and once you’ve signed the license agreement you are free to distribute it for free or commercially on the platforms of your choosing. We’re excited about you creating compatible content for The Lost Bay, and we’ll do our best to help you promote it!


Now back to designing!

Here's a WIP of the Creator Toolkit, a series of resources to help you build your 3rd party The Lost Bay RPG content.